
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Proudly Norwegian

The World Nordic Ski Championships 2011 (Oslo 2011)  are taking place here in Norway, and since it started I've been seeing lots of people painted and dressed with the flag colors (very good hein!!).
But this proudness is starting to kill me. Now I realized that they just forget at times that 11.4% of the population are imigrants grr.
I started my norwegian lessons few weeks ago, and I have been giving the first steps until now. I am so happy to finally see my beloved expression JEG SNAKKER NORSK( I speak norwegian) become reality.
Even though now I can say more than this, I still only knowing how to say things like "I HETER IVANDRO, HVORDAN GÅR DEG(my name is Ivandro, how is it going)", and it is not enough to start having decent conversations  :( !!
The problem is not what I learnt or not, but how people here forget that this is a new language for us.
I opened my bank account few days ago(finally), and the lady from the bank told me that they would start sending me letters in ENGLISH (woh-oooh).To my amazement, few days later I received a letter from the bank(they are really fast here lol), excited to see what was it, I tore the envelope dying of curiosity... guess what??.. I still curious :D on the top of the letter was written NEDERST PÅ SLIPPEN FINNES DIN PERSONLIGE KODE TIL DITT VISA PERSONKORT (bottom of the slip is your personal code to your VISA card person by Google Translate), I do not even dare to read the rest because even the GT would complain lol.
The question is that almost two weeks has gone and I still receiving letters in norwegian, and they are getting bigger and bigger(seems like they think I am learning more and more from each letter they send me lol).
Awhh, I almost forgot, can you imagine yourself being the only non norwegian among a bunch of them in a FORSPILL(way of socializing before going to the night) and suddently everybody starts cracking jokes in norwegian and laughing... I just go like...WHAAAT...and then if you are lucky, someone asks you how are your norwegian classes going??
I just have one thing to say VELDIG BRA(very good), now I am EN MOSAMBIKISKE STOLT NORSK(a mozambican proudly norwegian).